
Mathematics at St Alban’s Catholic Voluntary Academy

Maths teaching at St Alban’s is rooted in the belief that all pupils can succeed in Maths; it follows a mastery approach to the curriculum.  Through carefully sequenced learning journeys, pupils’ key knowledge and skills are embedded as they progress through the school, providing secure foundations for future learning and enabling them to become confident mathematicians.  Regular retrieval practise enables arithmetic skills to become committed to long term memory whilst our focus on mathematical reasoning ensures opportunities for deeper learning and a high level of challenge for all.


Throughout the Foundation Stage a play based approach is followed, whereby pupils explore mathematics in a practical, hands-on way and are exposed to a learning environment which is steeped in rich mathematical vocabulary.  This exploratory approach feeds in to the CPA approach to Mathematics across the school.  A coherent structure to teaching and learning is provided through the use of White Rose materials but is adapted to suit the needs of each individual child.

Power Maths resources form a common spine for the teaching of Mathematics throughout Key Stages 1 and 2.  To ensure a smooth transition between phases, there is a gradual phasing in of the scheme of work throughout Y1 and continuous provision remains a regular part of the pupils’ learning experience in this area of the school.

Textbooks provide a coherent structure through the curriculum and support children on their journey to deeper understanding whilst Practice Books provide intelligent practice for children to complete independently in order to demonstrate their learning.

These resources are not all encompassing however, and learning and challenge is supplemented by the use of a range of high quality materials such as NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation resources, Nrich, Gareth Metcalfe and White Rose.

Retrieval Practice

The fluency and retention of arithmetic and key Maths knowledge is supplemented through regular retrieval practice sessions.  Through the use of low stakes, high frequency activities, these sessions allow pupils the opportunity to revisit learning in order for it to be remembered.  This may incorporate the use of the NCETM Ready to Progress Criteria which identify and support pupil learning in key areas of Mathematics.  Vocabulary games and activities are also used during this time, also ensure that pupils are developing the capacity to communicate their ideas in this subject with accuracy and confidence.


In EYFS and KS1, the Mastering Number programme provides a clear structure for ensuring that pupils develop strong foundations in number.  These foundations are then built upon throughout Key Stage 2 where children complete a weekly arithmetic quiz allowing both teachers and pupils to track learning and progress in this crucial area of Mathematics, and identify areas for development.