St. Alban’s School provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all children.

When planning, teachers set suitable learning challenges and respond to the wide range of children’s abilities and learning needs.  Every teacher is a teacher of every child or young person including those with SEN.

Our SENDCo is Miss Ashley Leatham

For all SEND enquiries, please email the school office, who will forward this on to Miss Leatham.

How do we identify if a child has SEND?

At different times in their school life, a child or young person may have a special educational need As a school there are a number of ways that we may identify SEND. Some of these are as follows:

Class teachers

In most cases the class teacher will identify any children that are having difficulties. This will be done through day to day observations, working with the child and more formal assessments where they can identify any gaps in knowledge or specific difficulties. They will then be able to put tailored support in place or speak informally to the SENCO. If more support is needed the SENCO will do a classroom observation to see what support is needed. This may lead to a child being put on the SEN monitoring list or a class support plan.

Pupil Progress Meetings

Each term class teachers will have a meeting with Key Stage leaders to discuss the progress of every child in the class. Any children who are not making enough progress are discussed and action to address the problem is agreed and later reviewed. This may lead to a child being put on the SEN monitoring list or a class support plan.


Parents know their children best of all, so sometimes the concern is raised by a parent. If you are worried, please make an appointment to discuss your concern with the class teacher in the first instance, or you can make an appointment with the SENCO.


If a child is presenting with difficulties that are not being resolved by simple adjustments in the classroom, the SENCO will conduct further observations and/or assessments, as appropriate, and provide advice. There will be a meeting with the class teacher and the parent(s) to discuss ways forward. The SENCO can also identify if an external referral might be of benefit. Sometimes a much more detailed assessment may be needed.

External support

If the SENCO feels that more support it may be necessary to seek support from specialists such as Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologist or the school nurse for example. Parents would be informed of this and invited to meet with them too. If a child is on the SEND register they will have a class support plan or a SEND plan in place. This details the support or interventions that they need and any specific targets that they have. These targets will be reviewed every term with the class teacher and parents.

For more information, please read our SEND Information Report on the right-hand side of this page.