Contact Us

St. Alban’s Catholic Primary School

Newstead Avenue



DE21 6NU

Headteacher – Mr Tim Brogan

School Business Manager – Mrs Jennifer Cartlidge

Any initial queries from parents and members of the public will be dealt with by Mrs J Cartlidge

Telephone Number: 01332 673 823

Fax Number: 01332 671 498

Email Address:


The school SENCO is: Miss Leatham

Chair of Governors

The Chair of Governors is: Mr S. Olivier, who can be contacted through the school office.

School Opening Hours

Gates open at 8:45am and close at 8:55am

Registration takes place from 8:55am to 9:25am

School day ends at

3:25pm for Reception and KS1

3:30pm for Nursery and KS2

St Ralph Sherwin Catholic Multi Academy Trust

St Katherine’s House 3rd floor,

Mansfield Rd,

Derby, DE1 3TQ

0300 369 0553